Our Student Engagement

One of the biggest challenges in student engagement is navigating temporary relationships. For some children, the departure of a trusted adult can feel like another loss or even abandonment, raising an important question: Are we doing more harm? The student engagement team of Consultant Susan Collin and Para's Nicole Lompra and Jen Kowalski share an example of using AI to support and build the relationships with the students and teachers they work with.
To support students through these transitions, we are introducing social stories, heartfulness practices, and AI tools like ChatGPT and Mureka to create a special song that sets clear expectations from the start. Our goal is to help students understand that while our time together is temporary, our connection remains. These strategies will also support them in processing their emotions and maintaining a sense of connection even after we leave.
The song above was created using AI tools like MUREKA, by a student who used their social story and memory book. Click here to listen to it!
Our message to every child:
"From my heart to your heart, I wish you well. I miss you, and sometimes I don’t know what to do. Wishing you well connects me and you."