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Cheboygan Rm - Karyn
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
12:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Presque - Meet w/Dan B
Calendar: Presque Isle Room
Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/ajq-pczh-qew
Or dial: (US) +1 432-652-6475 PIN: 410416444#
Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720
8:30 AM to 11:00 AM
Cheboygan Rm - SLP Meeting 8:30am - 11:00am
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
On Wisdomwhere: N
Updated: 9.3.24 ac
Contact: Jeff Reinelt Email: reineltj@copesd.org
Presenter/s: Jeff Reinelt
Beverages: N
Lunch: N
Time lunch picked up/ Menu:
Lunch to be ready at:
If multiple dates, list here:
If billing another agency, list here:
Equipment: Microphone / video presentation
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Presque - Karyn's Crew
Calendar: Presque Isle Room
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Supt Council Mtg- JH
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
a dozen Donuts from Ken's
Lunch for 15 Delivery at 11:15 am
Grinders & Brownies (2-Turkey/bacon, 2-italian, 1 ckn ceasar &16 brownies) Pick up by 11am spoke with Tom
Otsego Room-Script Workshop 8:00am - 3:00pm
Calendar: Otsego Room
On Wisdomwhere: N SCECHs: N Updated: 9.3.24 ac via email with HK Contact: Heather Kowalski Phone: Email: kowalskih@copesd.org Presenter/s: Cheryl Wilson/WilsonC41@michigan.gov Count: Inland Lakes and VAS teachers ** Per HK 11 as of 9.4.24 Beverages: Y Lunch: Y Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Grinders/Brownies (2-turkey/bacon, 2 Italian & 12 brownies) pick up by 11am spoke with Tom
Lunch to be ready at: 11:30am If multiple dates, list here: If billing another agency, list here: Invoice reimbursement: Larry Wyn - Wynlar@gvsu.edu, Shelly Micho - michos@gvsu.edu Equipment: Easel & Pad, markers
Setup: 4 pod chairs/power
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Otsego Room - New Teacher Network 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Calendar: Otsego Room
Debbie Putnam On Wisdomwhere: Y SCECHs: Y Updated: 08.30.24 ac Contact: Debbie Putnam Phone: 989.619.5864 Email: putnamd@copesd.orgPresenter/s: Debbie Putnam Count: up to 25 (10 as of 9.9.24) Setup: 4 pod/ with power Beverages: Y Lunch: Y Time lunch picked up/ Menu: per Debbie BC pizza and salad (2-patrolmans and 2-pepperoni) will be delivered at 3:30pm and dessert (NO Dietary restrictions noted in WW) Lunch to be ready at: 3:30pm If multiple dates, list here: 10/09/24, 11/13/24, 01/08/25, 02/12/25, 03/12/25, 04/09/25 If billing another agency, list here: Equipment: TV screens for presentation
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Otsego Room - GSC Members (MH)
Calendar: Otsego Room
On Wisdomwhere: N SCECHs: N Updated: 9.3.24 ac Contact: Melinda Hambleton Email: mhambleton@copesd.org Presenter/s: Same Count: ~21 per MH as of 9.5.24 Setup: Hollow Square for large meeting, then 2 pods of 6 chairs in the back of the room Beverages: Y Lunch: Y Time lunch picked up/ Menu: DIGS food truck (requested by MH) LMM 9/9/24 10:45am on DIGS vm Spoke with Ashlie 9.9.24 at 12:20 regarding the order (Melinda has already discussed the specifics with her). Will be ready for pick up by 11:15 am. ** 2 Gluten Free options**
Lunch to be ready at: 11:15 am If multiple dates, list here: 9/12/24 11/14/24 1/9/25 3/6/25 5/8/25 9/11/25 Equipment: What is in room + Easel Pad and Markers
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Regular Board Meeting
Calendar: BOE Meeting Schedule
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
COP Board Meeting
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
8:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Otsego Room - GSRP PD Session 1
Calendar: Otsego Room
On Wisdomwhere: N SCECHs: Y Updated: 9.4.24 ac Contact: Jennifer Belanger Phone: 989-858-3713 Email: belangerj@copesd.orgPresenter/s: Jennifer Belanger Count: 45-50 Setup: 6 chairs / pod w/ power, kleenex, hand sanitizer, buckets w/ pens, highlighters, pencils, etc. Beverages: Y Lunch: Y Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Subway Grab n Go boxes per JH 9.10.24 (42 count as of 9.10.24) spoke with Cherokee PICKUP by 1100am Confirmed with Patty Lunch to be ready at: 11:30am If multiple dates, list here: If billing another agency, list here: Equipment: easel & pad, markers, microphone / video presentation
Join with Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/kdx-akrk-oqb
Or dial: (US) +1 208-715-5890 PIN: 957627202#
Learn more about Meet at: https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9282720
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Cheboygan Room - North Team Meeting (BH)
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
Room booked per Bridget Hebert
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8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
CHEB RM - Admin Mtg
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Cheboygan Rm - COP IFT Union Meeting 3:30p-4:30p
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
On Wisdomwhere: N
Updated: 9.13.24 ac
Contact: Julie Haase Phone: 231-838-9394 Email: julieh@copesd.org
Presenter/s: Julie Haase
Count: 20
Setup: No preference
Beverages: N
Lunch: N
Equipment: Microphone/video presentation
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
LT Mtg- JH
Calendar: Otsego Room
U Shape for 16 facing front monitor
ADDED- (5) 4 pods in back of room for group work
NO Food but Coffee
Cheboygan Rm- Teacher Meeting 3:15pm-4:15pm
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
On Wisdomwhere: N
Updated: 9.6.24 ac (Facility Use Request (3)
Contact: Josh Menkes Phone: 989-619-1359 Email: joshm@copesd.org
Presenter/s: Josh Menkes
Count: 11
Setup: No preference
Beverages: Y
Lunch: N
Time lunch picked up/ Menu: N/A
Lunch to be ready at: N/A
If multiple dates, list here: 12/11/24, 02/19/25, 05/19/25
If billing another agency, list here:
Equipment: Easel & pad, markers
Otsego Room - Homeless Liaison Fall Meeting
Calendar: Otsego Room
Karen Starkey + Debbie Putnam On Wisdomwhere: Y SCECHs: N Updated: 9.9.24 ac (facility use request received) Contact: Karen Starkey Phone: 231.838.6703 Email: starkeyk@copesd.orgPresenter/s: Karen Starkey Count: (35) 25 as of 9.16.24 per Karen Setup: Classroom, Kleenex, hand sanitizer Beverages: Y Lunch: Y Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Lunch to be ready at: 11:30am If multiple dates, list here: If billing another agency, list here: Equipment: Microphone/Video Presentation ** TENATIVE ** as of 9/5/24
Karen will be contacting us to confirm if she will indeed need the room or not. She is going to check and see if the space she has in Gaylord will work or not. (she knows she will need to fill out a Facility Use Request if she does end up needing the room)Approx 35 ppl
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Presque Isle Room - NECSN Internal Work Mtg
Calendar: Presque Isle Room
On Wisdomwhere: N SCECHs: N Updated: 11-2-23 bkl Contact: Katie Lohff Phone: 970-373-7440 Email: klohff@eupschools.org Count: 5 Setup: As is No food or beverages If multiple dates, list here: 12-1-23; 2-2-24; 6-14-24; 8-22-24// per email from Katie 4/29/2024 asking to switch to 8/27/2024 Equipment: May need access to computer/video
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Otsego - GSC Leadership Meeting 4:00pm - 8:30pm
Calendar: Otsego Room
On Wisdomwhere: N
Updated: 9.5.24 ac
Contact: Melinda Hambleton Phone: Email: mhambleton@copesd.org
Presenter/s: Melinda Hambleton
Count: 10
Setup: Hollow square / rectangle
Beverages: N
Lunch: N
Time lunch picked up/ Menu: N/A
Lunch to be ready at: N/A
If multiple dates, list here:
If billing another agency, list here:
Equipment: Easel & pad, markers
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Cheboygan Room - MRS Meeting (EV)
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
Meeting per Elizabeth Vergara - per verbal request reserved on 9/16/24 for 9/24/24.
Nothing needed.
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8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Otsego Rm- CPI Initial
Calendar: Otsego Room
Kristi Williams note request 5/01/2024 On Wisdomwhere: Y SCECHs: Y Updated: Contact: Kristi Williams Phone: 231-238-9394 Email: williamsk@copesd.org Presenter/s: Kristi Williams and Andrew Dean Count: 4 as of 8.30.24 Setup: 4/pod Need empty space in the back for movement. Beverages: Y Lunch: Y Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Lunch to be ready at: 11:45 Equipment: Easel, pad, markers, mic & video
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Cheboygan Rm - Economic Development 101
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
On Wisdomwhere: N
Updated: 08.26.24 ac
Contact: Sam Bailey Phone: 231.582.6482 Email: sam@northernlakes.net
Presenter/s: Sam Bailey
Count: roughly 20
Setup: classroom
Beverages: Y
Lunch: N
Time lunch picked up/ Menu: N/A
Lunch to be ready at: N/A
If multiple dates, list here:
If billing another agency, list here:
Equipment: microphone / video presentation
9:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Presque Isle Room - Health & PE Teacher Professional Learning Community
Calendar: Presque Isle Room
REGISTRATION LINK: https://www.solutionwhere.com/WW/Aspx/Public/Search/ShowCourse.aspx?courseNum=1133&cId=41&pCId=0On Wisdomwhere: Y (she does her own) SCECHs: Y (she does her own) Updated: 9.9.24 ac (received facility use request) Contact: Helen Craig Phone: 616-340-1343 Email: hcraig-isd@eupschools.orgPresenter/s: Helen Craig Count: 5-15 Setup: Kleenex, hand sanitizer, buckets w/ pens, highlighters, pencils, etc. Beverages: Y Lunch: Y Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Lunch to be ready at: 11:45 am If multiple dates, list here: 11.20.24, 01.30.25 If billing another agency, list here: Equipment: Webinar, easer & pad, markers
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9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Otsego Rm - Pupil Accounting Training
Calendar: Otsego Room
On Wisdomwhere: Y
Updated: 9.16.24 ac
Contact: Lisa Sandvik Email: lsandvik@eupschools.org
Presenter/s: Lisa Sandvik
Count: 25
Setup: Classroom
Beverages: N
Lunch: N
Equipment: Microphone / Video presentation