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9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Presque Isle Room: Karyn's Crew
Calendar: Presque Isle Room
Cheboygan Room -Karyn's Playgroup Meeting 9am-2pm
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
Request via email from Karyn
15 people
BC PIzza for 15 people w/ 2 vegetarian options Mac n Cheese pizza, Chick Parm & Pepperoni, (small) veggie pizza per KRS Salad w/o onion or mushroom and Homemade ranch :) delivered at 11 am
Pres Room - Maggie Cheli
Calendar: Presque Isle Room
per email from Maggie
nothing needed
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Otsego Room - MiSTEM/Marshall Plan/Summer Discussion 1pm-2:30pm
Calendar: Otsego Room
On Wisdomwhere: N
Updated: 01.06.25 facility use request received.
Contact: Laura Percival Phone: 517.819.3437
Presenter/s: Laura Percival
Count: 3
Beverages: N
Lunch: N
Equipment: microphone/video presentation (needs to connect to a projector/monitor)
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Otsego Rm - Virtual/Online New Teacher Network 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Calendar: Otsego Room
Debbie Putnam On Wisdomwhere: Y SCECHs: Y Updated: 08.30.24 ac Contact: Debbie Putnam Phone: 989.619.5864 Email: putnamd@copesd.orgPresenter/s: Debbie Putnam Count: up to 25 (8 as of 01.06.25) Setup: 4 pod/ with power Beverages: N Lunch: N Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Lunch to be ready at: 3:30pm If multiple dates, list here: 02/12/25, 03/12/25, 04/09/25 If billing another agency, list here: Equipment: TV screens for presentation
8:00 AM to 10:30 AM
Cheboygan Room - AT Workgroup Meeting 8am-10:30am
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
email request received from Amber Maxwell on 12.20.24
Nothing needed.
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Presque Isle Room - Maggie Cheli
Calendar: Presque Isle Room
Maggie Cheli reserved via email on 12/10/24- BB
She will need the room for the morning.
9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Otsego Room - GSC Members (MH)
Calendar: Otsego Room
On Wisdomwhere: N SCECHs: N Updated: 8-8-24 Contact: Melinda Hambleton Email: mhambleton@copesd.org Presenter/s: Same Count: 18 (count will be emailed prior to each meeting) Setup: Hollow Square for large meeting, then 2 pods of 6 chairs in the back of the room Beverages: Y Lunch: Y Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Subway Soup (drop 2 crockpots off after 8:30am Thursday morning) P/U @ 11am, Salad and garlic bread from Ken's P/U @ 10:30am.
** 2 Gluten Free options**
Lunch to be ready at: 11:15 am If multiple dates, list here: 9/12/24 11/14/24 1/9/25 3/6/25 5/8/25 9/11/25 Equipment: What is in room + Easel Pad and Markers
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Regular Board Meeting
Calendar: BOE Meeting Schedule
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
COP Board Meeting
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
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Presque Isle - S.T.A.R.S 10am - 12pm
Calendar: Presque Isle Room
On Wisdomwhere: N
Updated: 01.07.25 facility use request received.
Contact: Dawn Fenstermaker Email: gsplp@copesd.org
Presenter/s: Dawn Fenstermaker
Count: 6
Setup: No preference
Beverages: N
Lunch: N
Equipment: Webinar
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Supt Council Mtg- JH
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
a dozen Donuts from Ken's
Lunch for 15 Delivery at 11:15 am Pat and Gary's Grinders (3-Turkey/bacon, 3-Italian and 16 brownies) PU @ 11am spoke with Leann
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Mellisa & Jennifer Bel- Pres Room
Calendar: Presque Isle Room
Otsego Rm - LINQ ERP Workshop #2 /FAS Process Training 9am - 4pm
Calendar: Otsego Room
On Wisdomwhere: N SCECHs: N Updated: 1.6.25 facility use request received Contact: Tiffany W. Apple Phone: 910.547.6296 Email: tapple@linq.comPresenter/s: Courtney Ma ( cma@linq.com), Josh Starkey ( jstarkey@linq.com), Gloria Vasquez ( gvasquez@linq.com) Count: 35-40 Setup: 6 chairs, include kleenex, hand sanitizer, buckets w/ pens, highlighters, pencils, etc. Power for laptop chargers* Beverages: Y Lunch: Y (**NO Shrimp/shellfish) Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Tuesday 01.14.25: BC Pizza (3-Patrolman's Specials, 2-Ckn Parmazetti, 3-Ckn bacon ranch, 2-Pepperoni) and salad delivery@11:30amWednesday 01.15.25: Subway sandwiches/cookies P/U @ 11am (BMT, Ckn bacon ranch, Turkey, Ham, 4 dozen cookies) spoke with AmyThursday 01.16.25: BC Pasta (Smokehouse mac and cheese, Ckn Parmazeti Alfredo, Lasagna and salad delivery @ 11:30amLunch to be ready at: 12pm If multiple dates, list here: 01.14.25, 01.15.25, 01.16.25 If billing another agency, list here: Equipment: Webinar, easel & pad, markers, microphone/video presentation Verbally with Amy Karsten Emailed Tiffany Apple (contact for LINQ) she will send facility use request in. Lunch needed, no shell fish or shrimp Lunch at 12 please
Otsego Rm - LINQ ERP Workshop #2 /FAS Process Training 9am - 4pm
Calendar: Otsego Room
On Wisdomwhere: N SCECHs: N Updated: 1.6.25 facility use request received Contact: Tiffany W. Apple Phone: 910.547.6296 Email: tapple@linq.comPresenter/s: Courtney Ma ( cma@linq.com), Josh Starkey ( jstarkey@linq.com), Gloria Vasquez ( gvasquez@linq.com) Count: 35-40 Setup: 6 chairs, include kleenex, hand sanitizer, buckets w/ pens, highlighters, pencils, etc. Power for laptop chargers* Beverages: Y Lunch: Y (**NO Shrimp/shellfish) Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Tuesday 01.14.25: BC Pizza (3-Patrolman's Specials, 2-Ckn Parmazetti, 3-Ckn bacon ranch, 2-Pepperoni) and salad delivery@11:30amWednesday 01.15.25: Subway sandwiches/cookies P/U @ 11am (BMT, Ckn bacon ranch, Turkey, Ham, 4 dozen cookies) spoke with AmyThursday 01.16.25: BC Pasta (Smokehouse mac and cheese, Ckn Parmazeti Alfredo, Lasagna and salad delivery @ 11:30amLunch to be ready at: 12pm If multiple dates, list here: 01.14.25, 01.15.25, 01.16.25 If billing another agency, list here: Equipment: Webinar, easel & pad, markers, microphone/video presentation Verbally with Amy Karsten Emailed Tiffany Apple (contact for LINQ) she will send facility use request in. Lunch needed, no shell fish or shrimp Lunch at 12 please
CANCELLED: Cheboygan Rm - Cognitive Coaching Foundation Seminar 8:30am - 3:30pm
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
**CANCELLED per Taryn Davis-Hanson via email on 1/6/25**On Wisdomwhere: Y SCECHs: Y Updated: 08.26.24 ac Contact: Taryn Davis-Hanson Phone: 231.445.1979 Email: tarynd@copesd.orgPresenter/s: Taryn Davis-Hanson Count: Open (must have at least 15 to provide seminar) Setup: 4 chairs / pod NO POWER, include Kleenex and hand sanitizer, buckets w/ pens, highlighters, pencils, etc. Beverages: Y Lunch: Y Time lunch picked up/ Menu: **5% VEGETARIAN**Lunch to be ready at: 11:30am If multiple dates, list here: 02/25/25, 05/21/25, 06/17/25, 09/16/25, 11/18/25, 12/10/25, 01/13/26 If billing another agency, list here: Equipment: Easel & pad, markers, microphone / video presentation
Cheb & Pres Room-LINQ
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
Otsego Rm - LINQ ERP Workshop #2 /FAS Process Training 9am - 4pm
Calendar: Otsego Room
On Wisdomwhere: N SCECHs: N Updated: 1.6.25 facility use request received Contact: Tiffany W. Apple Phone: 910.547.6296 Email: tapple@linq.comPresenter/s: Courtney Ma ( cma@linq.com), Josh Starkey ( jstarkey@linq.com), Gloria Vasquez ( gvasquez@linq.com) Count: 35-40 Setup: 6 chairs, include kleenex, hand sanitizer, buckets w/ pens, highlighters, pencils, etc. Power for laptop chargers* Beverages: Y Lunch: Y (**NO Shrimp/shellfish) Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Tuesday 01.14.25: BC Pizza (3-Patrolman's Specials, 2-Ckn Parmazetti, 3-Ckn bacon ranch, 2-Pepperoni) and salad delivery@11:30amWednesday 01.15.25: Subway sandwiches/cookies P/U @ 11am (BMT, Ckn bacon ranch, Turkey, Ham, 4 dozen cookies) spoke with AmyThursday 01.16.25: BC Pasta (Smokehouse mac and cheese, Ckn Parmazeti Alfredo, Lasagna and salad delivery @ 11:30amLunch to be ready at: 12pm If multiple dates, list here: 01.14.25, 01.15.25, 01.16.25 If billing another agency, list here: Equipment: Webinar, easel & pad, markers, microphone/video presentation Verbally with Amy Karsten Emailed Tiffany Apple (contact for LINQ) she will send facility use request in. Lunch needed, no shell fish or shrimp Lunch at 12 please
Cheb & Pres Room- Linq
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Cheboygan Room: North Team Meeting (BH)
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
Room reserved per Bridget Hebert 1/17/25
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Otsego Room-Teacher PD
Calendar: Otsego Room
** Donuts for breakfast**On Wisdomwhere: N SCECHs: N ** Hannah spoke with Josh-(he won't have the info to apply for SCECHS this time around) Updated: 8.19.24 ac (Reviewed this with Josh 9.26.24 ac) Contact: Josh Menkes Phone: 989-619-1359 Email: joshm@copesd.orgPresenter/s: Maggie Chelli, Maggie Shanahan, Kali Hancock Count: 45 Setup: 4 chairs / pod NO POWER, kleenex and hand sanitizer, buckets w/ pens, highlighters, pencils, etc. Beverages: Y Lunch: Y Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Creamy Potato Bacon, Chicken Noodle-Penny, Dale-Bakery Cheesy Garlic Bread (10 loaves), Salad- PU @11am 4 dozen donuts p/u @ 8am. Lunch to be ready at: 12:00pm If multiple dates, list here: If billing another agency, list here: Equipment: Easel & pad, markers, microphone / video presentation
8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
CHEB RM - Admin Mtg
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
Otsego Rm- CPI Initial
Calendar: Otsego Room
Kristi Williams note request 5/01/2024 24 ppl as of 1/20/25 On Wisdomwhere: Y SCECHs: Y Updated: Contact: Kristi Williams Phone: 231-238-9394 Email: williamsk@copesd.org Presenter/s: Kristi Williams and Andrew Dean Count: Setup: 4/pod Need empty space in the back for movement. Beverages: Y Lunch: Y BC Pizza & Salad ( 2-Patrolman's, 2-Tomato Bacon, 2- Chicken Parmazetti) Delivery @ 11:30am Lunch to be ready at: 11:45 Equipment: Easel, pad, markers, mic & video
8:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Otsego Room - Principal Leadership
Calendar: Otsego Room
Debbie Putnam On Wisdomwhere: Y SCECHs: Y Updated: 8.12.24 ac Contact: Debbie Putnam Phone: 989-619-5864 Email: putnamd@copesd.orgPresenter/s: Debbie Putnam Count: ~15-20 **20 as of 01.17.25**Setup: 4 chairs/ pod with power Beverages: Y Lunch: Y Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Per email from Debbie on 01/20/25 Meeting moved to VIRTUALIf multiple dates, list here: 03/12/25, 05/14/25 If billing another agency, list here: Equipment: microphone/video presentation
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Mullett Room- Erika Peacock
Calendar: Mullett Room
Otsego Room - GSRP PD Session 4
Calendar: Otsego Room
On Wisdomwhere: N SCECHs: Y Updated: 9.4.24 ac Contact: Jennifer Belanger Phone: 989-858-3713 Email: belangerj@copesd.orgPresenter/s: Jennifer Belanger Count: 45-50 Setup: 6 chairs / pod w/ power, kleenex, hand sanitizer, buckets w/ pens, highlighters, pencils, etc. Beverages: Y Lunch: Y Time lunch picked up/ Menu: BC Pizza and Salad with To-Go Boxes (Patrolman's Special, Chicken Parmazetti, Pepperoni, Tomato Bacon), dessert Lunch to be ready at: 11:45am If multiple dates, list here: If billing another agency, list here: Equipment: easel & pad, markers, microphone / video presentation
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Presque Isle Room -GSC Leadership Meeting 10am - 1pm
Calendar: Presque Isle Room
On Wisdomwhere: N
Updated: 01.14.25 facility use request received.
Contact: Melinda Hambleton Phone: 989.306.0683 Email: mhambleton@copesd.org
Presenter/s: Melinda Hambleton
Count: 6
Setup: No Preference
Beverages: N
Lunch: N
Equipment: Easel & pad, markers
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Cheboygan Rm - Health & PE Teacher Professional Learning Community
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
REGISTRATION LINK: https://www.solutionwhere.com/WW/Aspx/Public/Search/ShowCourse.aspx?courseNum=1133&cId=41&pCId=0On Wisdomwhere: Y (she does her own) SCECHs: Y (she does her own) Updated: 9.9.24 ac (received facility use request) Contact: Helen Craig Phone: 616-340-1343 Email: hcraig-isd@eupschools.orgPresenter/s: Helen Craig Count: 5-15 Setup: Kleenex, hand sanitizer, buckets w/ pens, highlighters, pencils, etc. Beverages: Y Lunch: Y Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Lunch to be ready at: 11:45 am If multiple dates, list here: 11.20.24, 01.30.25 If billing another agency, list here: Equipment: Webinar, easer & pad, markers
Otsego Rm - Paraeducator Bootcamp 8:30am-3:30pm
Calendar: Otsego Room
On Wisdomwhere: N SCECHs: Y **MAASE has applied for these** Updated: 12.20.24 ac (facility use request received) Contact: Cheryl-Marie Manson Phone: 269-330-2668 Email: cherylmariemanson@maase.orgPresenter/s: Cheryl-Marie Manson Count: 30 (20 registered as of 01.17.25, 30 confirmed as of 01.10.25) Setup: 6 chairs/pod with power, buckets w/ pens, highlighters, pencils, etc. Beverages: Y Lunch: Y Time lunch picked up/ Menu: **2 Gluten Free, 1 Vegetarian***Lunch to be ready at: 11:30am BIlling MAASE after the event, send invoice to: Tony Rodriguez2425 East Grand River Avenue Ste 1 Lansing, Michigan 48912 Equipment: easel & pad, markers, microphone/video presentation
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Cheboygan + PI Rooms: MiMTSS Dyslexia Summit Watch Party (KP)
Calendar: Cheboygan Room
BOTH Cheboygan and Presque Isle Rooms booked on 12/10/24 per Kim Peters via email for 1/31/24.
On Wisdomwhere: N
Updated: received facility use request (1) 12/10/24 ac
Contact: Kim Peters Phone: 863-232-7336 Email: petersk@copesd.org
Presenter/s: Kim Peters
Count: 18-25 (per KP plan for 17 attendees)
Setup: Classroom, include kleenex, hand sanitizer, buckets w/ pens, highlighters, pencils, etc.
Beverages: Y
Lunch: Y
Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Subway boxed lunches
Lunch to be ready at: 12:00pm
Equipment: Webinar
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
PI + Cheboygan Rooms: MiMTSS Dyslexia Summit Watch Party (KP)
Calendar: Presque Isle Room
BOTH Cheboygan and Presque Isle Rooms booked on 12/10/24 per Kim Peters via email for 1/31/24.
On Wisdomwhere: N
Updated: received facility use request (1) 12/10/24 ac
Contact: Kim Peters Phone: 863-232-7336 Email: petersk@copesd.org
Presenter/s: Kim Peters
Count: 18-25 (Per KP plan for 17 attendees)
Setup: Classroom, include kleenex, hand sanitizer, buckets w/ pens, highlighters, pencils, etc.
Beverages: Y
Lunch: Y
Time lunch picked up/ Menu: Subway boxed lunches
Lunch to be ready at: 12:00pm
Equipment: Webinar